Lesson Seven
The Life Of Jesus
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:16
God's Nature
The Salvation of the Cross
To Believer and to Receive
Can a sinner causally approach God? Someone suggests they can use good deeds to please God in exchange for His salvation. The person who thinks of that must not realize the righteous acts of man are but just filthy garments in God’s eyes (Isaiah 64:6). So, how does God save sinners from condemnation? In this lesson, we come to speak specifically about God’s salvation and may God touch the non-believers to receive this salvation. For those who have already believed in Him, may we learn to treasure this salvation even more and to experience Him in a deeper way.
God's Nature
Holy (John 1:5; Leviticus 11:44; 19:2)
Our God is holy and without blemish, One who despises sins. Man who are full of sins and filth would not be able to approach God and are under God’s wrath.
Righteous (Exodus 34:7b; Psalm 11:7; Psalm 50:6)
God will judge every sinner according to His righteous nature. He will condemn every sinner, and this shows forth His righteousness. (To count someone who is sinful as sinless is considered unrighteous) In front of our righteous God, no one can stand before Him.
Merciful and Full of Love (1 John 4:8-10; Psalm 103:8,11)
God loves everyone in the world, but He cannot negate man’s sins just because of love and to contradict His righteous nature. Therefore when man was hopelessly lost in sins, He prepared for man a wonderful and marvelous salvation, so that God’s nature – holiness, righteousness and love and mercy can be satisfied.
Salvation of the Cross (John 3:16; 1 Peter 3:18a; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
Man has sinned and gone against God’s nature of holiness, God must judge man according to His righteousness. But based on God’s mercy and love, He could not bear to destroy mankind because man is the treasure of His heart. However, our God is also wise, being able to solve the problem of man’s sins through the salvation of the cross.
The Lord Jesus did not sin, and yet He suffered for our sins. He gave His life and shed His blood not only to show His love but also to bear our sins and to take our punishment and judgment, satisfying God’s requirement of love and righteousness. But death could not hold Him. He resurrected from death on the third day, showing that salvation has been accomplished and becoming our hope of resurrection.
To Believe and to Receive (Romans 10:9; Ephesians 2:8)
“Confessing with your mouth, and believing in your heart” is the only requirement for man to obtain salvation. Man is saved not because of good deeds. The only way to salvation is to believe in and receive Jesus Christ as Saviour.
God does not view the matter of our sins lightly or casually. Man cannot earn his salvation with good deeds; man is only saved through faith. As we receive our salvation with simple faith, have we ever considered behind this salvation all the things that God has planned and arranged with what Jesus has done and sacrificed. May we learn to appreciate this salvation and treasure it even more.
Why can’t God just forget about our sins since He loves us?
How can the problem of man’s sins be solved? (Psalm 103:11)
What is the only requirement for man to obtain salvation? (Provide one Bible reference)